To access the Claire Tow Theater, the Mezzanine Lounge, and the New Workshop Theater, follow the path from Hillel Gate about 200 feet (the brick façade of the Tow Center will be to your left). Enter through the Claire Tow Theater’s silver lobby doors and Tow Center staff will assist with navigation from there.
The Tow Center Atrium, the Don Buchwald Theater, Topfer Recital Hall, 093, and the music practice rooms are through the glass doors on the left after entering Hillel Gate.
To access the Claire Tow Theater, the Mezzanine Lounge, and the New Workshop Theater, follow the path from Hillel Gate about 200 feet (the brick façade of the Tow Center will be to your left). Enter through the Claire Tow Theater’s silver lobby doors and Tow Center staff will assist with navigation from there.